Python vs JavaScript: Everything You Need To Know

Many developers have worked with both Python and JavaScript in their careers. These languages ​​have their peculiarities and characteristics. To learn more about each of them and compare their key features, we recommend that you read this article to the end.

First, let’s say that Python is an interpreted language. This means that it has an interpreter that translates instructions one by one into machine language so that all commands are executed immediately. This way, you don’t have to compile all your code every time you want to run it, as is the case with C++, Java, Rust, etc.

Javascript was born as an interpreted language, but modern engines have managed to transform it into a JIT (“Just in Time”) compiled language. Pretty much all browsers JIT compile Javascript, except, as always, IE8.


Let’s move on to comparing the individual characteristics of these two languages.

Retribution time

Python appeared in the late 1980s and Javascript in the early 1990s, so Python is older than Javascript.

Type of

As far as typing is concerned, this is a very complex issue in which there is no clear and unanimous opinion on what is considered strong typing and what is weak typing. However, experts often say those strongly typed languages ​​do not allow data types to be changed once declared, while weakly typed languages ​​do. Python does not allow implicit conversions to variable types. Javascript allows you to declare a variable, let, or var.


The syntax of Javascript is very similar to that of C++ and other classic programming languages. The separation between parts of the code is done using curly braces and semicolons. Javascript uses this as a reference to the object itself, and they are not required when declaring methods on objects.

On the other hand, Python contributes to ease of reading. The use of special characters is kept to a minimum, and the separation of parts of the code is done using indentation and line breaks. Python uses self to refer to the object itself and requires that it be passed as the first argument to every method on the object.

The syntax differences are much more extensive than those we have covered above. Each of the languages ​​has its features, its integrated libraries, and different syntax. We’ve covered the most important differences.


Javascript is natively present in all browsers. All you have to do is open the terminal of your preferred browser to start using it. This is the preferred language for DOM manipulation.

Python is not found in browsers, however, it is installed on most GNU/Linux systems by default. If you are using a GNU/Linux distribution and open the operating system terminal and run a Python command, you will see that it is already installed.


Javascript is used to manipulate the DOM and to work primarily in the browser. However, Node allows you to use it as a server-side language on your machine as well, even though it wasn’t originally intended to be that way. Node js allows javascript to be used outside of the browser, so its use has spread to machine learning as well.

Python is a multi-purpose language, it allows you to create native applications with user interfaces, programming networks or web servers, artificial intelligence, web application development, and just about everything.

These are the main differences that can be seen between these two languages. Each of them is convenient in its way. Some people prefer Python and others prefer JavaScript. It also depends a lot on the task you are doing. If you want to implement a project based on these languages ​​and need help with this, then feel free to contact

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