How to stop seeing what friends like on facebook

It’s no secret that we’re often influenced by the opinions of our friends on social media. Whether it’s what posts we Like or Share, or the comments we leave, it can be tough to break away from the pack and stand out. But if you want to stop seeing what your friends like on Facebook, there are a few steps you can take.

How do I stop seeing other people’s likes on Facebook?

Do you feel like you’re constantly keeping track of what your friends are liking on Facebook? Well, there’s a way to stop seeing this information! Follow these simple steps:
1. Click on the three lines in the top right corner of your Facebook page.
2. Select Settings from the menu that pops up.
3. Under General, click on Display Features.
4. Under Likes, uncheck the box next to Show Likes on Pages and Posts from Friends.
5. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the window.

How can I stop my friends getting notified of my likes and comments in Facebook?

If you want to stop your friends from getting notified when you like or comment on their posts in Facebook, there are a few things you can do. First, head to the Settings menu on Facebook and select “Notifications.” Here, you’ll be able to toggle notifications for all of your Facebook posts and pages. If you only want your friends to get notified when you comment on their posts, you can turn that feature on here as well. Alternatively, you can send them a direct message (DM) instead if you want to keep the notification private.

How do I stop seeing friends comments on other posts?

If you find that you are constantly seeing friends’ comments on posts that you are not actually commenting on, it may be helpful to turn off comment notifications for specific friends in your Facebook privacy settings. Additionally, you can block comments from specific addresses by selecting the “Block Comments” option under the “Comments” heading on any post.

Can my friends see what I like on Facebook 2020?

If you want to stop your friends from seeing what you like on Facebook, there are a few things that you can do.

First, you can choose to hide your likes from your friends. This means that your friends won’t be able to see the exact things that you like on Facebook. They’ll still be able to see that you like certain things, but they won’t be able to see which ones.

Second, you can choose to only show your friends the posts that you’ve made in the last 24 hours. This way, they’ll only be able to see the posts that have been made recently by you.

Finally, you can disable ad targeting for Facebook ads. This will prevent your friends from being targeted with ads based on what they’ve liked on Facebook.

How do you see what someone likes on Facebook 2021?

There are a few different ways to see what someone likes on Facebook .

One way is to go to the person’s page and click on the “Like” button next to the post. This will show you all of the posts that the person has liked.

Another way is to go to the person’s page and click on the “Likes” link in the top right corner. This will show you all of the people who have liked the page.

Why is Facebook notifying me of people’s comments?

When you comment on a post by a friend on Facebook, the social network notifies you about who commented and when. However, some users have reported that Facebook is not notifying them about comments from friends who are not also registered members of the site. When you try to leave a comment on a post, Facebook may give you an error message that reads “This page is unavailable because you are not logged in.” If this happens to you, try logging in and commenting again.

Why do my Likes appear on friends news feed?

If you’re noticing that your Likes are appearing on friends’ newsfeeds, there’s a good chance that you’re seeing them in the wrong order.
When you Like something on Facebook, the algorithm looks at whether or not you have already Liked that thing before. If so, it puts your Like right at the top of the list.

Why am I getting Facebook notifications when friends comment on other friends posts?

If you’re receiving notifications for comments on posts by friends, it may be because you’ve set Facebook to send notifications for all comments, not just those from friends. To stop getting notifications for comments from friends, go to Facebook’s settings page and uncheck the box next to “Notify me when friends comment on my posts”.

Why am I seeing posts my friends comment on?

If you’re seeing posts from your friends that you haven’t commented on, it might be because Facebook is defaulting to show all comments on posts. To stop this from happening, head to the “Settings” menu on Facebook and select “Comments.” From here, you can choose which posts you want to see comments on and which you don’t.


It can be really hard to break away from our friends on Facebook and stop seeing what they like and comment on. But sometimes it’s important to step back and think about how we’re spending our time online. If we’re constantly scrolling through our newsfeed, commenting on posts, and liking things that are just not necessarily good for us, then it’s time to take a break. Instead of focusing on what our friends are doing, why not spend a little more time trying new things? It might surprise you how much more interesting your social media experience can be when you try something new!

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