How to see what comments you liked on instagram

It can be really helpful to see what comments your followers liked on Instagram, so that you can continue to build a following that enjoys your content. In this article, we will show you how to see these comments on Instagram and how to respond to them.

How can I see my liked comments on Instagram?

If you have an account on Instagram and have liked any posts, you can see a list of your liked comments on the post page. Simply click on the link in the lower right corner of the post’s thumbnail.

How do I see my most liked comments?

If you’re looking to see your most liked comments on Instagram, you can head to the “Liked” section of your account. From here, you can view a list of all the comments that have been left on any of your posts – past or present. Just scroll down until you see the comments that have been liked the most.

Can you see a history of what you’ve liked on Instagram?

If you’re wondering how to find out what you liked on Instagram, it’s not too hard. Here’s how to see a history of your likes on the app: 1. Open Instagram and log in if you’re not already logged in. 2. On the main screen, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. 3. Under “History,” you’ll see a list of all the posts and pictures you’ve liked on Instagram. 4. If you want to see more detailed information about a post or picture, just hover your cursor over it and a box will pop up with more information. 5. To see what comments were left on a post or picture, just click on it and the comments will appear along with the post or picture.

Can you search Instagram comments?

Instagram is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but it can be difficult to see what comments you liked on individual posts. Luckily, Instagram has a search feature that can help you find your comments quickly.

How do I see posts I’ve commented on Instagram 2021?

If you’re looking to see which posts you’ve commented on on Instagram, you can do so by going to your profile and clicking on the “Comments” tab. This will take you to a page where you can see all of the comments that you’ve made on other people’s posts.

Do you get notified when someone likes your comment on Instagram?

If you’re not sure how to check, here’s a guide on how to see what comments were liked on Instagram.
First, head to your Instagram account and open the comment section for the post you’re interested in. Next, search for the name of the person who liked your comment. You can find this by looking at the bottom of the comment section or by using the “Name” field in the search bar. If you don’t see their name, it’s likely that they haven’t commented on that post yet.
Finally, click on their name to open their profile page on Instagram. On this page, you’ll be able to see all of their posts and comments.

Which is the most liked post on Instagram?

Instagram is a social media site where people can share photos and videos. People can also like posts on Instagram to show their support. Which post on Instagram is the most liked?

Can I see my activity on Instagram?

If you have an Instagram account, there is a good chance that you care about seeing what your fans have been saying about your posts. You can see what comments users have left on your posts by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of each post and selecting “Comments”. This will show you a list of all the comments that have been left on that particular post. You can then scroll through this list to read all of the interesting comments that your fans have left.

How can I see my past likes on Instagram 2022?

If you’re using Instagram, you may want to know how to see what comments you liked on your posts. This can be helpful if you want to remember the people or things that caught your attention on your posts.

To see your past likes on Instagram, go to the “Likes” section of your profile page. You’ll see a list of all the comments you’ve liked on your posts. You can also click on the “Liked Comments” link to see all the comments that were liked by people who are not part of your follower list.


If you’re looking to see which comments on your Instagram posts were liked the most, you can do so by going to your profile and clicking on the “Liked” button next to each post. From there, you’ll be able to view a list of all the comments that have been liked by people who follow you. This is a great way to find out what kinds of posts resonated with your followers and gave them value.

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