How to convince your parents to let you have instagram

It’s no secret that social media has become an increasingly important part of our lives. Whether we’re checking in on Facebook, tweeting about our day, or posting photos on Instagram, we use social media to connect with friends and family. But what do you do when your parents don’t have social media accounts? In this article, we’ll show you how to convince your parents to let you have instagram – the perfect platform for sharing pictures with your loved ones!

How do you convince strict parents to let you get Instagram?

There’s no one answer to this question, as it largely depends on the parents’ attitudes and opinions about social media. However, some tips on how to get your parents to allow you access to Instagram may include:

-Explain that Instagram is a fun and social media platform that can be used for positive purposes, such as documenting your life and sharing photos with friends.
– emphasize the importance of using Instagram responsibly and not posting inappropriate content.
– Point out that Instagram is a valuable tool for networking and building relationships, which can be beneficial in later life.

How do you convince your parents to let you get social medias?

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share pictures and videos with others. It is popular among teenagers because it is a way to communicate privately and share photos and videos of what they are doing. Many parents find it inappropriate for their children to have an Instagram account because it gives them too much privacy. There are ways to convince your parents to allow you to have an Instagram account. One way is to argue that the account will be used for communication, not entertainment. Another way is to show them how useful the account can be. For example, you could use it to document your school projects or your hobbies.

How do you let your parents give you Instagram?

If your parents are resistant to the idea of you having an account on Instagram, there are a few things you can do to convince them. First, make sure that you have a good reason for wanting one. If you just want to be able to share pictures of your friends and family, that’s fine. But if you have a specific goal in mind, like learning how to take great photos or becoming more creative, be sure to explain it to your parents. Furthermore, make sure that you use Instagram responsibly. There is no need for your posts to be full of alcohol-fueled selfies or risqué jokes; stick to simple pictures that represent who you are and what you care about. In the end, it will likely take some effort on both your part and theirs to get them on board with an Instagram account, but the rewards – like increased creativity and self-confidence – are well worth it.

How do I convince my parents to let me get Snapchat and Instagram?

If you’re aged 13 or over and want to get Snapchat or Instagram, here’s how to convince your parents:

1.First, ask your parents if they’re okay with you getting these apps. If they say no, try to come up with a good reason why they should let you have them. For example, tell them that you’ll use them to keep in touch with friends and family, or that you’ll use them for creative purposes.

2.If your parents are still against the idea, explain to them how Snapchat and Instagram work. Convince them that these apps are beneficial and will help you stay connected with your friends.

3.If your parents still refuse to give you the apps, offer to pay for them. This way, they know that you’re serious about using them and will be responsible for any consequences that come from it.

Is Instagram safer than Snapchat?

There are a lot of people who think that Instagram is a lot safer than Snapchat. Instagram has a much stricter policy when it comes to violence and explicit images, which means that there is less chance of getting in trouble. Additionally, Instagram also lets you share videos and pictures with friends, which makes it a lot more fun.

Is Instagram safe for kids?

Instagram is a social media platform that has gained a large following among teenagers and adults. Many parents are unaware of the explicit content that is available on Instagram. This content can be harmful to children if they are not supervised when using the app.

Many parents feel that Instagram is a safe platform for their children to use. However, it is important to be aware of the explicit material that is available on the app. If your child is using Instagram, it is important to monitor their account and make sure they are not viewing inappropriate content.

It may be difficult to convince your parents to allow you to use Instagram. However, it is important to make sure that you are using the app safely and responsibly.

Should a 14 year old have Instagram?

Instagram is a social media platform that is popular with teenagers and adults. It is a great way to connect with friends and family, and it can help young people to stay connected with their lives outside of the home.

However, some parents are concerned about their children’s use of Instagram. Some worry that the platform is too addictive, and that it could lead to social isolation.

It can be difficult to convince your parents to let you have Instagram. However, you should explain why the platform is useful and how it can benefits your life. You should also make sure that your parents understand your privacy settings, so they know what information you are sharing online.

Why you should get Instagram?

Instagram is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family all over the world. It’s also a great way to document your life and share photos with your followers. If you’re convincing your parents to let you have Instagram, here are some reasons why it’s a good idea:

-It can help you stay connected with friends and family.
-You can share photos of your life and events with your followers.
-It can be a fun way to document your life.

Is Snapchat ok for a 12 year old?

With over 1 billion active users, Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms out there. But what is it good for?

Instagram can be a great way to share photos and videos with your friends and family. It can also be a way to stay in touch with them while you’re away from home.

However, some parents are hesitant to give their children access to Instagram. They worry that it might be too late-night for a year old and that they might be addicted to it.

But is that really a concern? According to some studies, social media use by year olds isn’t as bad as people think. In fact, most of the time they use it in moderation. And if your child does become addicted to social media, there are other platforms out there that they can use.

So don’t be afraid to allow your child to have instagram. Just make sure that you set reasonable limits on how much they can use it and monitor their usage closely.


When it comes to social media, there’s no one better than your parents to convince you that it’s not a bad thing. But convincing them to let you have instagram can be tough. Thankfully, we’ve got some tips on how to win them over and get them on instagram with you! First and foremost, make sure that they understand the importance of social media for both personal and business networking. Next, show them how Instragram can be used for creative purposes (like documenting your favorite meals or getting creative in your photos). And finally, tell them about all the amazing people you’ve been able to connect with through Instragram – from friends and family to entrepreneurs and professionals. Finally, just make sure that they are following you back – if they aren’t following you yet but they want to be, simply send them a follow request!

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