How do i permanently delete messenger messages on both sides

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and then forgotten all about it the next day? Or, maybe you deleted the message but they deleted theirs? In this article, we’ll show you how to permanently delete messages on both sides of the conversation so that nothing can be recovered.

Does deleting a conversation on Messenger delete it for the other person?

When you delete a conversation on Messenger, the message and all attachments are deleted from your end as well. However, the other person might still have a copy of the message if they downloaded it.

Does deleting Facebook messages delete both sides?

Deleting Facebook messages does not always delete the messages on the other person’s end. If you want to delete all messages from a person, you will need to contact them directly and ask them to delete their messages as well.

How do I permanently delete all messages on messenger?

Messenger is a great app for staying in touch with friends and family, but it can also be a hassle to keep track of all the messages you’ve sent and received. If you need to permanently delete all the messages on messenger on both sides, there are a few different ways to do it.

The first way is to use the online chat feature on messenger. All you need to do is open a conversation with your friend and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the conversation window. From here, select “Options” and under “General” click on “Delete Messages.” You’ll then be prompted to confirm that you want to delete all the messages in this conversation. Once you’ve done this, all of your messages in this conversation will be deleted.

If you don’t want to use the online chat feature, there are also desktop apps available that allow you to permanently delete all messages from a specific conversation. The two most popular apps for this purpose are Messenger for Mac and Messengers for Windows. Both of these apps have easy-to-use menus that allow you to delete all messages in a specific conversation without having to search through them individually.

Whatever method you choose,

What is vanish mode on Messenger?

If you want to permanently delete messages on both sides of a conversation, you can use vanish mode. To enter vanish mode, open the chat window and click the three lines in the top left corner. From here, you can select “Vanish Mode” and then choose which conversations you want to make disappear.

Does report and block delete messages on both sides?

If you want to delete messages on both sides of a chat, there is a way to do it. Reports and blocks do not delete messages from either side.

Why can’t I remove message for everyone on Messenger?

If you’re wondering why you can’t remove messages from your Messenger account for everyone, there might be a good reason. Messages sent through the app are backed up and stored on Apple’s servers for 90 days. After that period has passed, the messages are deleted from both your device and Apple’s servers. If you want to permanently delete all of your messages from Messenger, it’s best to follow these steps:

1) On your iPhone or Android phone, open Messenger.
2) Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
3) Under “Settings”, tap on “History”.
4) Under “Messages”, tap on the message you want to delete.
5) Tap on “Delete”.

How do I permanently delete my messages on Facebook?

If you want to permanently delete your messages on Facebook, there are a few different ways to go about it.

1. Delete Your Facebook Account: If you just want to delete your account and all of your messages, you can do so by going to the main Facebook page and clicking on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and then selecting “Delete My Account.” After confirming your decision, your account will be permanently deleted.

2. Delete Your Messages: If you only want to delete your messages on Facebook, you can do so by opening the messaging app on your phone and clicking on the chat heads for both sides of the conversation. Once there, click on the three lines in the top left-hand corner and select “More Options…” From here, select “Delete Message.” Any messages that have been sent after this point will be deleted permanently.

3. Restore Messages: If you accidentally deletes some of your messages or if someone else deletes them for you, you can restore them by logging into Facebook and clicking on the three lines in the top left-hand corner and selecting “Message History.” From here, select any message

How do I permanently delete messages?

There are a couple of ways to permanently delete messages from both your computer and your phone.

On your computer, open the Messages app and locate the conversation you want to delete. On the left side of the window, click the three lines in the top row that say “Inbox.” Next, under “Message contents,” select “All messages.” In the bar at the bottom of the window, click “Delete.”

On your phone, open the Messages app and locate the conversation you want to delete. Tap on the conversation, then tap on “More” in the top right corner of the screen. Under “Message contents,” select “All messages.” On the right side of the screen, tap “Delete.”

Does vanish mode delete old messages on both sides?

Do vanish mode messages delete as old on both sides? This is a common question and there is no one definitive answer. VANISH mode does delete old messages from the sender’s side, but this may not be the case for recipients. Recipients may still see old messages if they have saved them to their devices or if they have copied them to a other account. Deleting messages through the app may also not delete them if they have been copied elsewhere.


If you want to permanently delete all of your messages from both your Messenger account and the messaging app on your phone, there are a few different ways to go about it. The easiest way is to sign in to your account on and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. From here, you will be able to select Remove All Messages (this will also remove any unsent messages). If you want to delete individual messages instead, simply tap on the message you want to delete and then press Delete Message.

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